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New furstyle?

 25 Winter 555 (10 July 2004)

  • *Yawn*... look who made it out of the lib! And this time I got scared of myself as I seen me in a mirror! First time in my life I wished to get a good bath! 8)
    But after a while the new fur did not feel that bad anymore - lucky me did not need a bath after all!

Oh my! I slept to long! My fur is all tangled up!
  • Despite my long absense I got a call to come to KI! I heard that a very fierce kitten (Rowl) was roaming there, but as I am afraid of nothing *cough* I still joined that group. Well, no sign of Rowl, but the regular lyfe were hard enough.

Still I got invited to Rowl haunted KI!
  • I was pleased that I did not forget much of the skinning stuff, but I learned again that this only works on dead critters! We found two starbuck lyfe which were to much of a challenge. Thanks to Xenos and Kani for some nice chaining action! All in all I was longer fallen than hunting on that dreaded isle and limped happily home! 8)
    Thanks all for that quick action!
And it ended like always 8)
  • In order to recover a bit I vanished into the lib for another few month.. as I awoke again my fur looked again like it should. Yay! And this time I decided to do some smaller scale hunting. Together with Curmudgeon I went to the new bear caverns. And, like to be expected in dark caves, we found two nice dorf ladies which we accompinied of course! Thanks Connie and Lima for the fun we had! 8)

Bear times with the ladies!
  • And, just to see if there any progress, I had a quick chat with Cerberal about the 5th circle test. He thinks I am soon ready. I disagree strongly! And I proved that a few minutes later! Thanks to Cur and Yor for the moral support! *chuckle* 8)

Oh? Cerberal must be drunk..

  posted 2004-07-10 12:26:48 CET - 4 comments [Viewed 14928 times]

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