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Presumed missing?

 60 Winter 554 (21 April 2004)

  • Look who is there! Sorry for the long wait, but I got lost a bit. No promises that that won't happen again, but at least you know I am not dead (yet)! 8)
    Even when not being around much there were some smaller adventures to do! I try to remember some of them - noone of us gets any younger!

    Here I came to GI to help some of my edarian friends - only to learn that I were to slow and all was fine as I arrived. Dooh. I guess I need a map after all 8)

We got in, how do we get out?
  • Well.. once together with some clan folks we also could try some more old fashioned hunting. And what place is more ancient as the dark chamber? Sparky and Titanka were alone and got lost there (I don't want to know!) and we had a hard time to battle all the undead stuff. Thanks to Veer and to some additional fighter power we had the situtation resolved within some short hours! 8)
Still stuff there I dont slaughter?
  • And yes, I almost missed the april fools time this year! But I found out that the rift in town led to some very strange places... one could really get confused there. I remember some crazy wizards, strange musicians, flying cows, snakes (LOTS of snakes!!), oompas, black dots on white floors, planets and a board walk that provided cans of paint. I need to go to bed... 8)

Huh? Now where is the exit?
  • I spent some more time in a desert type area, which was filled to the top with snakes. Really fierce place! At least not much dangerous water around. I really understand that guy with the hat now, and got to hate snakes myself.
    However, I could not avoid all water and Cur brought me to a ship to some area with nice big coiny vermines. Yummi!
First no water, then lots of water. Lucky Hor! 8)
  • And last for today was a quick stroll through Snaggy to let Sakim test his pathfinder skills at Wishers Gate. As expected the way brought no challenges at all - looks like all the ranks having some effect after all 8)
    And it turned out that Sakim could open Wishers Gate just fine - so we were crazy enough to half clear Hatred Hollows. This was more fun 8) And we were lucky enough to get out all in one piece! *chuckle*. After that we had enough!

Up to the limit! HH with two fighters and two healers...
  • Last a short OOC remark. As of today Jeff fixed the problem with the OpenGL client, which kept crashing on my PowerBook. So expect higher quality images in my next report! Yay!

  posted 2004-04-21 22:30:58 CET - 4 comments [Viewed 9881 times]

62 Winter 559 (06 July 2005)Return of the Unexpected2 comments
25 Winter 555 (10 July 2004)New furstyle?4 comments
60 Winter 554 (21 April 2004)Presumed missing?4 comments
44 Summer 553 (04 March 2004)Monkey wonderland2 comments
23 Spring 553 (06 February 2004)Chew toy1 comment
40 Winter 553 (19 January 2004)Anyone can locate Agratis Haroon?1 comment
02 Winter 553 (10 January 2004)What is a Gungla?No comments
56 Autumn 552 (01 January 2004)Back to bears?No comments
31 Autumn 552 (26 December 2003)Merrily, merrily, merrily.No comments
81 Summer 552 (16 December 2003)To coin or not to coin...No comments

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