To fly in the heavens
01 Winter 551 (18 July 2003)
- Another day to tell some of my recent adventures. Honestly nothing really
exciting happened lately, so I was out to hunt for coins a bit. It's still a
challenge, but solo hunting the savannah is no longer really hard. Hunting with a
healer is quicker, though - but here with Catweazle not even profitiable as much.
(Cat got almost 200 Skea, in addition to my 150 - and still only one lousy coin! Yuk!!)
 Coin whoring done right and wrong... |
- Soon I came back to the lily pond and asked the forester to help me clear it.
We were lucky and found a lot of yummy mahas, but as we are not completely stupid we
recruited Talin for professional help! 8)
 And with some reinforcements! |
- And also welcome Mestoph in town! He arrived late from Edaria, but I am
sure he will be a fine addition to Puddleby! He already made some brave
impression by fleeing on the roof of the eastern watch tower as a bunch of slugs
invaded! *chuckle* Cya around Mestoph!
 Slugs chasing Mestoph up the tower. Welcome in Puddlyby! |
- Oh, you might have noticed it! The Edarian artwork is out for display
at last! Our artisan Leos put a lot of work in it since we auctioned a museum
token months ago. And it turned out to be really beautiful! It shows a sparsely
clothed (nekkid *blush*) lady that soars in the skies to remind us of the great days of Alchera.
These times are certainly missed...
 A marvelous piece of art from Leos |
- Dancing! Oh yes, I heard Himitsu advertising a lot that the newbielympic
dance contest was about to start "right now"!! So I headed to the bard field for
the show! Several "right now minutes" later she was already so drunk that she fell
over the barrel! *chuckle*. But it was all ok, in the end several contestants showed up
and Roffian had some really nice performance. (For a Zo anyway!!) Big congrats!
And thanks for the beer and the prezels and of course the brownies! Yay!
 Watching the dance contest of the Newbielympics! |
- Oh right - there is still 4th circle looming over me. At least I was able to
kill the greater wraith for the first time now! So at least there is a little bit
of progress... several more months of Swengus should do the trick!
 Still a long road to 4th... |
I want to remind on the
Orga Camping III!
Please register if you don't want to miss this big OOC meeting near
Munich, Germany at 8-10. August 2003.
Even non-Edarians are welcome! 8)
posted 2003-07-18 11:29:08 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2618 times]