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A night in the coliseum

 72 Autumn 549 (16 April 2003)

  • Time for another report of my recent adventures. As I was strolling through the north western forest I heard a distress call from Mashrat who got herself in trouble down in the queen myrn chamber. Several exiles came to help and then we had no problems at all to resolve the situation!
Worship the queen...
  • I had less luck as I tried to do some serious luring in the rocky cavern. Stupid Hor - of course I ended up to be rescued. After that RC incident we thought of the chamelopod forest as a new challenge. Havn't been there for ages! And it was no longer hard at all. Funny how quickly time does pass...8)
Finding a reason to hunt pods again!
  • A revival of the coliseum? This time there was a lot of action there - thats really nice to see! And there was lots of money involved! Yay! Some fights were pretty easy to guess - Lucio provoked pretty high bettings once. Just a pity the winning-rates were not very profitable. *chuckle*
Glorious coliseum times!
  • Other fights were even more thrilling, as Gunslinger tried to kill three zerks with a single stroke combination (which failed unfortunately) and Yor did show a most impressive match against two cave cobras. It was very close, but he failed too. Dooh - I hope to see such action more often there now, and perhaps I should fight next time too. 8)
Interesting fights and easy money...

  posted 2003-04-16 23:36:45 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2608 times]

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