A'viva - who?
19 Summer 549 (12 March 2003)
- Its been a while - the spring festival held by ELF! This
was some exciting event, I've never been to something like that
before. Well, it was the celebration of spring! To see plants
flourish again, to have ourselves renewed. Pretty complicated stuff
I think. So I just stood back and watched as Lunder planted some
pretty flower in the middle of north field, with hundreds of
kudzu growing all around. It was really very crowded - yikes!
A festival? With a lot of folks watching flowers? |
- The much more interesting part was the party afterwards!
Folks dressed in their best outfits and grabbed a date for the
feast and the dancing at the ball! Unfortunately I had missed the
dancing lessons and therefore tried not to make a complete fool out of me
8). Then a huge bonfire was lit, which was very impressive
indeed! Also impressing was the stupidity of some folks trying
to jump over it! *chuckle*. Thanks ELF, I had a blast!
Ah! The real party was later! 8) |
- After we all were sober again we headed a bit
sleepy and dizzy to our usual hunting places. As Esmeralda
noted it turned out to be a true edarian hunt. Big chaos and in
the end it was a chain ride home. Dooh! 8)
Another hunt brought us deep into the snaggle woods. A short
melee with a fury and a drake added some bit of extra fun, but
was handled without any problem.
Nothing beats an exciting hunt! |
- Time for some bigger trip! Rincewind offered to take us
to Noth, which was a fun change. I personally think it's really
just way to wet there, but the experience is usually very nice.
And we were not disappointed - we found a lot of pallidews and
one very rich Xar'Noth, which awarded us with a 17c bounty each!
(And we were like ten exiles strong. Yay!)
Well - No way around getting a bit wet. Noth is an yucky place. |
posted 2003-03-12 23:52:43 CET - Add a comment [Viewed 2211 times]