68 Spring 548 (04 December 2002)
- Hello! Time for some adventures! But before going
into battle I had some nice chat with Atkus. Image my surprise
as that old chap told me that teaching me is a challenge
now. Woooh - I worked quite hard to reach that level, but
I learned already that being able to hit is absolutly
required when going after big stuff!
Yay! Another milestone reached! |
- And what place is perfect for training with
big stuff? Right, Melebrions Isle! I was so excited that
I could hit the baltoises without to much trouble, that I
missed to stay clear of some sharp rocks. Darn... perhaps
I got the wrong profession after all?
I prefer land fighting anyhow - so watching Connie getting
the big furs was way more fun! Yay!
Gone skinning! Horray for Connie! 8) |
- To get coins one needs not always to travel far!
Talin, Tauro and me had some great time at the lily pond,
which was crawling with ferals! We got em all without
to much trouble... and a bit later we went out farther
for some experience in the KI waters. A culcan added some
fun too - luckily we decided to let it live! 8)
Some work to do...first LP and then KI! |
- The next events were a bit strange. I hunted with
Conaria and Leos the new bear caves, as Leos shouted
things I did not understand. But, if he thinks that is a
good idea, so others might too - So, vote for Hor! 8)
Unfortunately some little blue fellow voted for me too, and
struck me down with some well targeted bolt. It was nice
to have Lorikeet and Silky with us on that Noth-trip, so
rescue was not far!
Vote? For what? And what is that Hel'Noth doing with me? |
posted 2002-12-04 22:56:44 CET - 5 comments [Viewed 2414 times]